2nd Visit Myanmar – Yangon

This is my first post from Myanmar. It took so long because of the slow internet conditions. Further on I did not inform you earlier because I was not sure if I could pass the immigration and customs. After all it was not an issue. The first images are made in the market streets of…

Message about trip Myanmar

With this message I can now announce my coming trip to Myanmar. The present planning is to be on tour from 24 October until 10 November . As soon as everything is approved by the authorities you will receive a post about the go ahead decision. Depending on the internet connection possiblities you can follow…

Myanmar at the Photokina 2010

At the Photokina 2010 in Cologne, Germany there was an exhibition with my images of Myanmar. They were splendid shown by Innova Art Paper together with ARCA supplies.

Bhutan – Monasteries and their environment

Herewith I want to show you how lonely and remote (almost desperate) most of the monasteries are built in the mountains. In some cases over the several (sometimes hundreds of) years the people start to build their own lodgings around a monastery. So it can end being a village but they keep their distant look.

Nepal – Discussing Monks

Every day, early in the evening from 18.00 – 20.00 the monks are practicing their discussion techniques. They try to defend a proposition or theorem for thirty minutes. To support his opinion the defender  clap his hands with as much show and loudness as possible.

Nepal – Some nun’s portraits

In the Druk Amitabha Mountain Nunnery I shot several portraits of the nuns. Several faces with several hats in several situations. In the future I will come back with some more also from Bhutan and Myanmar.

Nepal – Around markets

In the busy and overcrowded markets I try to isolate individuals. And so I will try to give them back their own individual personality  in their own way of living being either old or young.

Nepal – Monks using musical instruments

In Nepal is het gebruikelijk dat door monniken instrumenten worden gebruikt om de gebeden te begeleiden. Gebeden zijn het uitspreken van spreuken van oude wijze mannen die afhankelijk van de fase waarin ze verkeren onder andere Buddha, Lama of Rinpuche worden genoemd.De begeleiding is geen vorm van muziek maar meer het aangeven van een ritme….

Nepal, Kung Fu at Druk Amitabha Mountain

Iedere morgen om 4 uur staan de jonge nonnen van Druk Amitabha Mountain klaar voor hun 2 uur durende  Kung Fu oefeningen. En om 21.30 uur herhaalr zich dit proces. Hierbij leren ze niet allen zichzelf te verdedigen maar vooral om een goede geestelijke en lichamelijke gezondheid op te bouwen. Mede door deze oefeningen zijn ze onder ander…

Nepal – Kathmandu Street Life

De komende dagen zullen de afbeeldingen van Nepal op mijn blog verschijnen. Dit zal per thema gebeuren en niet chronologisch. De 2 eerste afbeeldingen zullen bij mensen die in de 70er jaren van de vorige eeuw hier ook waren de nodige herinneringen oproepen. De omgeving van de Bouddha Stupa was de verzamelplaats van de hippies…