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Kalender 2015/Calendar 2015
Het Medisch Comité Nederland-Vietnam (MCNV) heeft aan mij verzocht gebruik te maken van mijn Vietnam foto’s voor haar kalender 2015. Hier treffen jullie een aantal van de afbeeldingen. Mochten jullie informatie over de kalender willen hebben dan kun je dat aanvragen bij The Medical Committee Netherlands -Vietnam has published the calendar 2015 (in Dutch)…
Fijne feestdagen/ Season’s greetings
Voor familie en vrienden fijne feestdagen en de beste wensen voor 2015 For family and friends season’s greetings an a properous 2015 Ilwa & Erny Noviet (jonge monnik) in de Shwedagon Pagoda (Yangon, Myanmar) tijdens Thadinggyut.Het is een kaarsenfeest en lijkt daarom wat op Kerstfeest. Novice in the Shwedagon Pagoda during Thadinggyut. Bcause of the…
Portraits Myanmar (Burma)
As you might have seen in my former posts most images are shot with what I call dark light. Specific light in a dark/shady environment. Here are some of the images belonging to my portfolio Fine Art Portraits. During my several trips in Myanmar I travelled far away from the normal roads and so I…
Early sunrise/ Vroege ochtendzon
The early morning sunrise gives you magnifint possibilities for a different view. Here some examples mostly taken in Myanmar….
Available Light 2/Natuurlijk Licht 2
With my last blogpost I received many compliments and support. So I decided to come as soon as possible with a 2nd post regarding the use of the so-called Rembrandt light. Most of the images were taken in Myanmar. That’s because the people are so open and friendly and invite you in whenever you come…
Available light/ Natuurlijk licht
During the day the light in Asia is hard with too much contrast so you are not able to get a decent image. You have to work inside the houses with the light what is available. I almost never use flash or artificial light because I try not to disturb people in their daily activities….
Playing kids/Spelende kinderen
Spelende kinderen zijn de toekomst. Maar in vele gebieden van Azië is er nog veel armoede. Maar de kinderen spelen met wat ze hebben en dat is vaak niets.Toch zijn ze blij en later in staat met deze simpele basis een voortgezette opleiding af te maken. Playing children are the future. But in many parts…
Fishermen – Images of fishermen most of them around Inle Lake in Myanmar.
Because of a couple of reasons I was not able to publish posts on this blog during the last months. I will try to show you now more regurarly new images based on the work shot during my last trips. I have not been in South East Asia since the beginning of last year (2012)…
Expositie in Bemmel / Exhibition in Bemmel, The Netherlands
This post is primarly for people living in The Netherlands. It announces the exhibition “Many faces from Myanmar” in the town hall of Bemmel, a town in the East of The Netherlands. Gisteren hard bezig geweest met de inrichting van de foto-tentoonstelling in het Gemeentekantoor van Bemmel. Vanaf 04 maart tot 19 april 2013 kunnen…
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Bac Ha Bagan Bhutan Bumthang Cambodia Ceremony Cuba Dong Van Druk Amitabha Mountain Fishermen Flower Hmong Golden Rock Green H'Mong Havana Inle Lake Kathmandu Kurjey Festival Kyaikto Kyaing Tong Malecon Mandalay Markets Message Monastery Monks Mrauk U Myanmar Nepal Novices Nunnery Nuns Pagoda Pagoda's Paro Portraits Shwedagon Pagoda Siem Reap Sittwe Sunrise Thanakha Thimphu Vietnam Villages Wangdi Yangon