Ilwa and I wish you a healthy and a blessed 2012. That all wishes (or anyway most of them) come true. In due course you will be informed about a new trip to South East Asia. Probably 2nd half of January.
Make up Thanakha for Kids
In January 2011 I wrote a post about the white make up in Myanmar. Because people asked me to come with some more images I have chosen now for het kids. Herewith also the explanation I wrote in the before mentioned post. I got many questions about the white paint on the faces of the…
Thadingyut Lightning Festival
Thadingyut Festival celebrates the end of the Buddhist Lent and the return of Buddha to earth at full moon day of Thadingyut (October). It is one of he most important days for Buddhist.The most beautiful and crowded celebration is at the Swedagon Pagoda in Yangon. Next year the pagoda will be according to history 2600…
Living along the riverside (Myanmar)
During all my trips in Myanmar I had to travel quite often over water. This because I could not reach the villages I wanted to visit over land. Many people live along the river because this is their only supply of water. But it is also their only way to transport goods for a reasonable…
Art & Craft School at Thimphu (Bhutan)
You have not heard anything during the last 3 months; because of my physical condition I was not able to work for a longer period. I hope I can show you now some more images of my last trips. I will inform you about new trips as soon as I am able to plan some….
Studying novices (nuns and monks)
At school in the monasteries the novices follow their normal secondary education and the buddhist tuition. Where this is done depends on the possibilities (availability of buildings and teachers). After the novice period (when they are around 20 years old) they have the possibility to go to college but then they have to go to…
No running (tap) water
In large areas of Myanmar there is no running (tap) water. Early in the morning before sunrise the women of the villages go to the nearest safe well, pond or river where the water is usable for daily use. They do this in cans but they cannot handle more than 2 and this means they…
Interview De Gelderlander April 2nd 2011
In a local newspaper De Gelderlander (edition Betuwe) Saturday April 2nd I had an interview about my travels through Myanmar. Next to the article was a portrait (by Erik van ‘t Hullenaar) and some small images. In this post I have added those images in a larger size. You might already know some of those…
For the Dutch subscribers
Allen die door mijn Myanmar afbeeldingen meer geïnteresseerd zijn geraakt in dit land. In NRC Handelsblad van zaterdag 19 maart staat een uitgebreid interview met de voormalige Nobel prijs winnares Aung San Suu Kyi. Ik beveel dit van harte aan omdat het een mooi beeld geeft van de situatie in Myanmar en de boeddhistisch levensfilosofie.
Feb 24 Chin (tattooed) ladies around Mindat
Again a 3 hours trekking route to the Chin villages over very hilly paths. I even did not take most of my Nikon equipment with me but I almost did not survive. But of course in the end I did. This was was one of my main objectives: visiting Chin villages with ladies with the…
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