Spelende kinderen zijn de toekomst. Maar in vele gebieden van Aziƫ is er nog veel armoede. Maar de kinderen spelen met wat ze hebben en dat is vaak niets.Toch zijn ze blij en later in staat met deze simpele basis een voortgezette opleiding af te maken.

Playing children are the future. But in many parts of Asia the poverty is everywhere. But the children are glad playing with almost nothing. Although this small base, in the end they are capable in going to secondary schooland even more.

Children 01

2 boys on the top of a hill with the buddha statue in Mrauk U (Myanmar).

Children 02

Girl playing hide and seek in a small village near Ha Giang during TET (Vietnam)

Children 03

Children playing with a large (banana) leaf in a small village Kone Chaung along the May Myot river (Myanmar).

Children 04

A boy playing at the market in Yangon (Myanmar).

Children 05

A boy in the morning near Mrauk U (Myanmar)..

Children 06

A lot of games are being played by drawing patterns on the ground (Myanmar)

Children 07

Playing with a small plastic bag in a small Rakhine village (hte Thet tribe) (Myanmar).

Children 08

A small teared handkerchief is enough for a funny game in the village Panpaun along the Lay Myot river (Myanmar).

Children 09

On a rainy day in a village 2 hours walking from Kyaing Tong (Myanmar).

Children 10

A biscuit is a wonderful meal for this kid (Myanmar).