After 2 months I feel well enough to come with a new post. I hope I will succeed to post from now on more regularly. This post is focussed on portraits from novices, young nuns and monks in Myanmar. They are quite willing to pose for a portrait but many times they are too shy…
Make up Thanakha for Kids
In January 2011 I wrote a post about the white make up in Myanmar. Because people asked me to come with some more images I have chosen now for het kids. Herewith also the explanation I wrote in the before mentioned post. I got many questions about the white paint on the faces of the…
Thadingyut Lightning Festival
Thadingyut Festival celebrates the end of the Buddhist Lent and the return of Buddha to earth at full moon day of Thadingyut (October). It is one of he most important days for Buddhist.The most beautiful and crowded celebration is at the Swedagon Pagoda in Yangon. Next year the pagoda will be according to history 2600…
No running (tap) water
In large areas of Myanmar there is no running (tap) water. Early in the morning before sunrise the women of the villages go to the nearest safe well, pond or river where the water is usable for daily use. They do this in cans but they cannot handle more than 2 and this means they…
Beauty for Myanmar people = Thanakha
I got many questions about the white paint on the faces of the Myanmar people. It is not paint but it is their make-up. And it is not only for their beauty but also for health. Especially the Myanmar women adore thanakha as their traditional beautifier as well for medical reasons and it is has…
Myanmar at the Photokina 2010
At the Photokina 2010 in Cologne, Germany there was an exhibition with my images of Myanmar. They were splendid shown by Innova Art Paper together with ARCA supplies.
Myanmar – balloon flight
There is one possibility in Myanmar for a balloon flight. In Bagan you have to be at the departure area at 05.30 in the morning. After a breakfast you will have a wonderful flight over the hundreds of pagodas against the most beautiful sunrise. Because a lot of people asked for an impression I herewith…
Myanmar day 15 Yangon the train station
And on the afternoon of my last day I went to the train station. Op de laatste middag breng ik een bezoek aan het oude station dat nog volop in gebruik is maar sinds de Engelse overheersing nauwelijks gerestaureerd. Vele beelden lijken op de meer bekende foto’s uit India. Misschien lukt het me nog een…
Myanmar day 14 Yangon another monastery visit
During one of my last days in Yangon I went again to a novices monastery and covered a part of their daily life. And again this was a day of joy frankness and sincerity. The colours, the light inside and the faces were fantastic. Dit zijn beelden van één van de laatste dagen van mijn…
Myanmar day 11-13 Bagan
Bagan the place of 3000 pagoda’s. In a small wooden pagoda I shot these images of novices. The light was beautiful and the space was exactly what I needed. In dit bericht vanuit Myanmar laat ik , volgens mij, de beste serie zien. Het is geschoten in een houten pagode waar het behoorlijk donker was….
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